
Monday, April 24, 2006

a better son/better daughter 

holy hell.

with school abating i can finally sit down and compile my thoughts.

The busyness of the season wearing down, final assignments and examinations wrapping up makes one look back and reflect on the business of school.

What have i accomplished this year.

developed my first negative, printed. learned studio lighting techniques, digital camera systems, digital manipulation, 4x5 camera techniques, color corrections, the fundimentals of photography.

met new friendships, strengthened old ones, weakened old ones as well. lost a ton of money to bills, partied a lot. learned how to juggle work and school and friends (still working on that), learned try and be a better son, brother, nephew, grandson. (also working on that one)

got one shot in the school gallery, missed a friends show, unfortunately...

better years await us..
ps. thanks for sticking around and checking this out from time to time.


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