
Wednesday, February 04, 2004

This is something new.
I am creating this in order to document the truth, to share my feelings, to create.
here goes:

This was a strange warm day; a little too warm for the beginning of Feb. The day itself was a great day (not that being strange constitutes the day as great), but the early morning hours was something else altogether.
This morning i dreamt of someone strange. I dreamt of someone who i haven't seen or heard from in ages (or what felt like ages, when it's only merely been three years).
The last time we parted, it was on hostile terms. These hostilities were pretty much more or less brought on by me.
In my dream, i was over at Emily's house and so was my girlfriend. They were getting along great, talking, laughing and the lot. However, her attitude toward myself was hostile, because she had never forgiven me for what i had done.
It's always been a secret goal of mine to always part in good terms with people. This girl is the only person with whom i haven't been able to do so with.
Dreams have a way of haunting you. Speaking of which, my horoscope had told me today that the past was going to haunt me this week. so i guess it's correct (not that i totally believe in them and live my life according to the stars.).
better years await us


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