
Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Fold your arms child, you walk like a peasant! 

ugh. Computing is hard. Especially when you don't really know HTML all that well.

I'm just a beginner in the computer world; I'm definitely no internet jockey. All of these "sourcetags and codes" (an ...And you will know us by the trail of dead album name) make it quite difficult for someone to not screw over themselves and erase everything they have done. I think that I fixed it, but in the certain event that I didn't, sorry if you can't post comments or can't reach the links or whatever.

I'm not really sure on what to write tonight. A dozen things come to mind, but I can't really conjure up anything on the keyboard. I don't know if anyone else is like me in that they hate, absolutely HATE, their own hand writing. I just can't stand mine. This handicap of mine made it really difficult to create flowing vignettes is creative writing class.

I think out of all the classes that I took in high school that was my favourite one. I mean, what can be better than a class that you can create short stories, poems, rants, columns and the like? I didn't get the mark that I would've liked, but that was because I didn't write often enough. I'm writing way more frequent now, compared to what I was doing before.

I think it's a great thing to have an audience. I wasn't always ready to showcase my work (dramatic, artistic or expressing my thoughts through words); it took many years to be able to get to where I wanted to be. Dramatic arts has really developed my skills and helped me become more open and willing to share my work and receive criticism for it. Before Creative Writing, I had a hard time with my writing and I thought that I wasn't really talented enough.

Which has brought me to the question: Are writers, artists, musicians and the lot born with these talents? Can Someone who is not talented in these fields learn to be as talented?

I've hit a writer's block.

I'll write more tomorrow! I better get going.
Thanks for actually reading my blog. =')
better years await us...rustedhalo


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