
Saturday, February 14, 2004


Tonight, i've done something that i've never done before in my entire life. Out of all the crazy things that i've done:
taking to the open road to New York City, Montreal and Vermont; being pulled behind a car on a GT; dress up as a woman; helped a naked woman, who was hanging outside a window, urinate; being naked several times myself; driving a car from the passenger seat whilst the real driver lay asleep in the driver's seat; got escorted from a club by the police; performed as a desperately sick man who has eaten a woman that he created out of rotten meat scraps in a play; flunked an accounting class even though i got the highest mark in the class on the first test; saved my neighbour's house from burning to the ground; won 1st place in two nintendo contests; got a gun pulled on me by the police (not my fault by the way); played the part of the mad hatter; wore my hair like Robert smith from the cure; and many more.
This almost takes the cake.
i have transformed myself. i'm pretty sure i'm still here, but my physical appearance has changed. The overall mood of my image is different. it's strange how you can change one thing and you look entirely different.
My hair is now black. I have dyed it.
Now this may not be such a shocker to anyone. People dye their hair all the time, but to me this is big, like sept. 11th, di's death, oj simpson, big. i wonder what people will think of it? will people shun me? will they love me for 'who i am?' will they throw rotten tomatoes at me until the sea-gulls peck my brains to the bone? They fucking better not! I hate tomatoes.
It's such a strange thing. I shouldn't care about what other people think of me, and i don't. i only care about what my friends and family think. They are the only people who's opinion matter most. So one by one, as i meet and greet them for the millionth time, i shall receive their comments on my hair, from their tactful judgments i shall scrape together a decision on the matter. If some random stranger on the street yells, "Hey, Satan!" i shall not take it to heart.
In other news, This debacle between friends seems to be ebbing (i hope!), and i do hope that both parties can talk sense in to each other and are willing to forgive for past offences. As reading week for colleges and universities start soon, i look forward to seeing my past come to life again. i miss everyone.
i'm still getting the hang of this HTML thing, so this site will change periodically.
I've given up getting drunk. Me and the sick tasting suds at the bottom of the bottle are over. Only in moderation. This does not mean me giving up drinking all together, i enjoy the taste of various lagers, ales, and the like. It means i will not be getting 'wasted.' I think it is a waste of money and a waste of brain cells. Also, i'm tired of making an ass of myself, and i don't want to live up to my 'heritage.' That is not my real Heritage. That one was manifested by the government in power, not necessarily the liberals, but the Canadian Government. I'll write more on the subject later.
Well, i must be off, for the fairies of sleep call to me
Good night
better years await us


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